Monday, September 10, 2007

Elder Evil Genius Strikes Again

I've been meaning to post this for days, now, but I did want Deirdre to color it first. She keeps rolling her eyes and ignoring my requests, so FINE...I colored it, myself, with one of my photo editors.

Anyway, about a week ago, after finishing her homework, she got to work on THIS:
Everything in black marker, is Deirdre. All crazy-looking color, which to control the weather. We provided by Yours Truly.
This is exactly what it (kind of) looks like - plans to build a machine with suspected as much, but asked her, just the same, and SWEAR TO GOD, with no prompting, she informed us it was, indeed, a machine to control the weather. As of right now, she is only claiming to want to keep it from raining on our house, so as to protect our perpetually leaky roof. Then again, she's only five - who knows how long it will be, until she has the foresight to realize how many OTHER interesting and profitable things she could do with it?

Super Sekrit Fortress plans are already in the works, obviously.

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